Biz Bank Account
#1 - Please separate your business and personal spending. This means a separate business account in your limited company name or for sole traders a separate business account in your personal name. Use this business account ONLY for business. Doing this is essential. Do it from the time you start buying things for your business.
Get Xero started and setup with the end goal in mind. If on Xero already check it aligns to your needs, via cods, reports and templates.
Systems & Processes
I will end on this. You must start putting regular tasks into a system. You must have standards for yourself and for others. You must work towards offering quality in your trade and being able to explain why it is quality. Systems can be series of photos for staff. Just get things out of your head to some extend and into a system. A notebook, photo diary, document. Then improve the system. Sounds easy. It’s not so easy but it’s a must to head towards some capability in this area.